
Education Day @ Diablo Valley College - San Ramon Campus
Feb 13 @ 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

Class members gain an appreciation for the variety of issues facing today’s educators and the educational system and gain insight into how these issues impact our local education community (San Ramon Valley Unified School District and Diablo Valley College). Members also have opportunities to observe student learning and school climate through classroom observations and shadowing the principal of a local school.

Day Chairs:  Christopher George (lead), Andy Li, Jennifer Tejada, and Vanessa Berastain

Class members sharing what they observed while shadowing school site principals.

Communication & Media Day @ (tentative) Chevron Headquarters
Mar 13 @ 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

During this session, participants acquire an understanding of the role communication plays in leadership including the ever-changing role of technology in communication and how the various types of new media influence public opinion.

Day Chairs:  Sumita Bhandari (lead), Jennifer Tejada, Newell Arnerich, and Vanessa Berastain

Class participants:  please be prompt (or early) as you must check in at the security desk and this can take some time.

Chevron has graciously hosted a Leadership class for many years, and we are very appreciative of their continued support.


At security desk, state that you are there for the “Leadership SRV class.” Your name will be on a security list. Reminder: You MUST have your photo ID with you.

Cultural Arts Day @ Front Row Theater, Dougherty Station Community Arts Center
Apr 17 @ 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

This class will explore the important role that the arts play in a healthy and vibrant community… a do-not-miss and fun class – Cultural Arts Day!

Day Chairs:  Heidi Kenniston-Lee (lead),  Haley Cabral,  and Bayley Dycus


Wrap-Up/Graduation Class @ Town Meeting Hall
May 8 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

The final class wraps up the program with leadership concepts that apply to both your professional and personal life.  The Ring of Reciprocity will reinforce your connection to each other.

The graduation ceremony follows, next door at the Village Theater.

Day Chairs:  Henry Perezalonso (lead), Bayley Dycus, Bill Clarkson, Sumita Bhandari, and Vicki Harris